Yellowstone Season 04 Kelly Reilly Faux Fur Coat
American series "Yellowstone," created by Taylor Sheridan and John Linson, debuted on the Paramount network. This is the tale of a Montana rancher family, the Duttons, who struggle with forces on the opposite side of the country's first national park over a legacy of a cow ranch. Kelly Reilly wonderfully played a role of Beth Dutton as John Dutton's daughter.
The fur coat was worn by Beth Dutton, John's daughter. It was the inspiration for the Yellowstone Season 04 Kelly Reilly Faux Fur Coat. She works as a banker, but she struggles with sadness because of the childhood recollection of her mother's passing. Kelly Reilly, an English actress who rose to fame in 2003 for her outstanding performance in "After Miss Julie at the Donmar Warehouse," plays the part of Bethany.
Product Specifications For Yellowstone Beth Dutton Faux Fur Leopard Coat:
Color: Leopard Skin
Material: Faux Fur
Front: Open Style Closure
Inner: Shearling Lining
Collar: Shearling Style
Sleeves: Full Length
Yellowstone Beth Dutton Faux Fur Leopard Coat
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